Become a Member

Have you become a VAFA member yet?

Villisca Alumni and Friends Association is making a difference for Villisca Youth. You can now pay your membership or donate with Venmo! Search for Villisca Alumni and Friends Association through your Venmo account.


1 Year

Annual Membership (Individual)



Lifetime Membership (Individual)



Lifetime Membership (Couple)

Make A One Time Donation

VAFA is a 501(c)3 so all contributions are tax deductible. For those whose employer is a part of the network of businesses that match the contributions of their employees to charitable organizations with the 501(c)3 designation, VAFA is now eligible to receive those contributions.

Donate by Card or PayPal

Donate by Check or Venmo

To Donate by Check:
Villisca Alumni & Friends Association
Villisca, IA 50864

To Donate through Venmo:

Search for Villisca Alumni and Friends Association through your Venmo account

Q: Can I designate my donation for a certain cause or as a memorial?

Yes, please make the donation from the “Donate” button above and send us an email at to let us know how you want to designate your donation.


Q: I am an Individual Lifetime Member and would like to add my spouse. How do I upgrade to a Couple Membership?

You need to send an additional $250 to upgrade. Please refer to the yellow “Donate” button above and send $250. Also, please send us a quick email at to let us know your $250 is going towards a couple membership and include your spouses name.